
Get the Mindset for Success - Vanessa Lindblad


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About the expert

Vanessa Lindblad is one of Sweden’s most prominent entrepreneurs. She is the manager to Bianca Ingrosso and the co-founder of CAIA Cosmetics. Moreover, Vanessa has a large following on Instagram where she shares her life as an entrepreneur with her more than 90 000 followers.


In the masterclass Vanessa shares how she founded CAIA Cosmetics and her partnership with Bianca Ingrosso as well as her biggest insights, both as an entrepreneur and in life in general. She talks about everything from her biggest lessons from her time in New York to how she deals with difficulties


Vanessa shares in the webinar that she is a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). This insight has helped her as an entrepreneur since she now knows that she e.g. needs time by herself in order to be the best possible leader.

Since we all are so different, it’s important to understand our own unique characteristics.

Take a moment to write down the answer to the following question:

Have you noticed any patterns on how you prefer to work?

It could be anything from how much you like to spend time with other people to if you prefer to work in the morning or in the evening. You can even write down how an ideal work day would look like for you.

Something to consider is that for women, our levels of certain hormones are different during the month and this can affect our energy levels. Therefore, you can also write down your ideal work day depending on which day you are at in your cycle.


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