Let Go of Limiting beliefs by Amanda Svensson


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About the speaker

Amanda Svensson is an internationally certified NLP Coach and Recovery Specialist. She specializes in guiding people, especially high-achieving women, to understand their emotional patterns in order for their actions to align with their core values. She firmly believes that getting to know yourself, understanding the origin of uncomfortable feelings and starting to take action towards the life that you are meant for is everyone’s right.

In the webinar, Amanda talks about limiting beliefs. She shares how limiting beliefs affect us and how we can get rid of them. Amanda also talks about the importance of understanding our emotional patterns. While there is no use of over-thinking our past, Amanda says that our emotional patterns are important to recognize because they will determine how we act in the future. She also shares concrete examples of how other women act and how to change the pattern.

Take a piece of paper and reflect on the following question that Amanda asks everyone in the webinar:

“What would you achieve in one year if you stopped procrastinating and stopped trying to be perfect?”


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