How to Level up Your Money Mindset and Earn More Than Ever Before by Palwasha Feizi


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About the expert

Palwasha is a success and money mindset coach who helps women to earn more than ever before. Palwasha has done a similar journey herself. She shares openly in her channels that her life started as a refugee from war and poverty and today she has managed to fully transform her life into one of wealth and abundance, earning millions per year.


What does the speaker talk about in the webinar? In this session, Palwasha talks about how to create an abundant future for yourself. One of the aspects that Palwasha mentions as the most important one is to understand and reprogram your subconscious mind. She shares that our subconscious mind accounts for the biggest part of our actions in life and to achieve success in life, it is therefore crucial to have knowledge on how to deal with it.


It’s time to set exciting money goals! Write down the answer to the following question: “What is your dream monthly income?”.

After you have done that, write down at least one underlying belief you may have that could stop you from achieving that goal, followed by a belief that would be much more empowering for you to substitute the first one with.


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