Unlocking Your Superpower: Upgrading to Your 2.0 Version by Martina Bromander

If you had the chance to become the 2.0 version of yourself, would you take it?

Your initial reaction may be that you do not even know what a 2.0 version of yourself would be like.

Plus, you may also think that turning into newer versions of yourself is simply a natural progression, like how you are not the person today that you were last year, five years ago, as a teenager, a child, etc. 

But what if you could learn how to craft the 2.0 version of yourself?

Now this brings in some new nuances.

If you passively let life happen to you, you likely have never put much thought to what a future version of you would be like, assuming that it would simply develop over time. But if you get to craft a 2.0 version, you are suddenly active, the creator of who you want to be as your 2.0 version.

And that is kind of powerful, don’t you think?

In looking back at my experience with Business & Dress Academy, that is exactly what happened and precisely what I learned.

Funnily enough, in the first lesson, Vendela and Camilla introduced the idea that we would be 2.0 versions of ourselves by the end of the 5-month program, something I made a mental note of, but certainly had a hard time fully grasping.

In fact, I did not truly recall this mental note, until I reflected back on the entire journey, once the program had come to an end.

That is when it clicked and I felt it in my core, that I was fully and proudly embodying my 2.0 version. 

How did this come about though? I wish I could say that it was simply by attending the weekly lessons and absorbing information, but few things that are worthwhile doing are going to be that easy. Instead, it involved lots of personal work, analyzing patterns and thoughts ingrained in my subconscious that had gone unquestioned, changing and introducing habits, getting super clear about what I want, and pushing myself to do things that I had never done before, like letting myself be seen.

And all of this was quite uncomfortable. Add to that, having to speak up and share successes and challenges with a group of women, whom I did not know at all initially (but who quickly turned into the most wonderful group of genuinely supportive, inspiring, and loving cheerleaders). Needless to say, for someone who likes to be “behind the scenes” and is used to making other people shine, this was not a position I was used to being in.

But becoming so actively involved and clear about what goals I wanted to reach and what person I wanted to become, was very empowering. I suddenly was deeply aware of patterns that I had been acting on for as long as I could remember, my relationship with money, and I was thinking about what I actually wanted. When do you take the time to analyze all these different parts of your life otherwise? How often do you really listen inward and connect with what things you truly want for yourself? Personally, I know that I had not taken this time for myself before.

Another aspect that was fascinating about this journey was that it affected all parts of my life. In retrospect, I think this was necessary in order to become a 2.0 version, because all of me had to transform in order for that to happen, not just a certain percentage of myself. To highlight a few: 

  • I noticed how I suddenly reacted much more calmly to situations, ranging from money through rental car problems, that would have caused me lots of stress before.

  • I had a very clear moment where I stopped picking apart and harshly criticizing photos of myself, something I had previously always done due to my strongly held belief that I looked awkward and not like myself in photos. 

  • I purposefully allowed myself time to think and respond on my own timeline. This was big, because I was the person who always replied as soon as possible, thereby not only putting myself under a lot of pressure to reply and deliver, but often not reflecting on whether it was in alignment with what I wanted or not. 

  • I realized that I was often holding myself back when it came to dreaming big. I began to push myself and dared to dream bigger than I was initially comfortable with.

  • I started replacing my catastrophe-thinking patterns with “what if everything turns out so much better than I could have ever imagined?” 

As these highlights reveal, I started standing in my power and feeling so much more at ease.

This feeling was further supported by another really interesting aspect about this journey, which was to craft goals and visions for my Future Self, all while not fully knowing the step-by-step process of how I would reach them.

Being someone who normally is a planning nerd, always reads instructions, and loves flowcharts, this kind of blew my mind. The belief that setting out a vision that excites and scares me at the same time, while not worrying about how exactly to reach this destination, just trusting that I will, has been a game changer for me. I feel that it has been such an incredible relief to not try to tightly control a process and spend mental energy on planning every step. It has honestly changed how I view my life.

New things cannot come from old thought patterns. So for me to create a 2.0 version of myself, I needed to incorporate new thought patterns, both on a conscious and, most importantly, subconscious level.

That is exactly what we learned in Business & Dreams Academy, where Vendela and Camilla guided us along the way with love, inspiration, and support, but also some butt-kicking, hard truths, and holding us accountable.

What is incredible is that I also know that I can continue to use these tools to always advance to a newer version of myself. Basically, it feels like a superpower that has been unlocked.

With all this being said, I would like to ask again: what if you could craft a 2.0 version of yourself, would you do it?

Because what if this version turns out so much better than you could have ever imagined? Wouldn’t that be quite amazing?

I think so.

With love, 
Martina Bromander

Thank you for reading the article by our Business & Dreams Academy participant Martina! If you also would like to work with your passion and get the freedom you want, make sure to watch our FREE 3-Day Challenge.


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