Keys To a Heart-Centered Career by Anna Johnson
My four years at Uni was some of the best years of my life. I had a lot of fun, learned a ton, met great friends and found the love of my life - when I think of those years I think of feeling free and feeling as myself. Therefore, with all facts in hand, it shouldn’t been a chocker that I wanted to run my own business - but it was, because it didn’t occur to me until years later.
I graduated with a Masters degree in Business & Economics and started working for a smaller growth company. Right from the start I felt in my gut that something was off, but I thought it had to do with the readjustment from a very flexible lifestyle to a ”9 to 5” job, that I only needed time to acclimatize. However, the feeling didn’t decrease, but rather grew stronger. At the same time as the feeling took up more and more space inside of me, I struggled with not knowing what to do instead - which only led me to feeling more frustrated. After about two years the frustration had grown to a sense of hopelessness, I didn’t know what to do anymore.
Looking back, having to work office hours with very little flexibility was one of the factors that didn’t align with me as I didn’t experienced the same amount of freedom as previous years, but the primary reason for me feeling that I didn’t belong was because I felt I had to compromise too much on myself. I felt as if my strongest abilities were not fully utilized, that my ”non-negotiables” wasn’t compatible with the organizational culture, I didn’t feel a sense of flow but rather a lot of pushing and forcing and I always walked around with the feeling of ”there has to be more”.
When the pain of staying in a situation that doesn’t allow yourself to be your authentic self is bigger than the fear of change, you’ll do something about it. I found a way to connect to my heart’s desire and what was true to me and it led me to certify as a coach through ICF - and the experience felt like coming home.
One thing I’m careful with when talking to my clients about career change is not to look for an end goal or a final destination, in other words a new profession or title, but rather look for and discover a new career path. Why? I believe that we are doing ourselves a huge disservice when we identify with our job (which we are very good at in this part of the world). Therefore it’s not strange at all that people experience an identity crisis when loosing a job, or worse - don’t want to do it anymore but don’t know what to do instead.
As I see it, we are always on one of two paths; either on the path that is aligned with who we truly are and what we really want or on the path that is out of alignment with who we are and what we want. So instead of seeing career change as a starting-point before you’re on your way, the ”on-the-way” part and the reaching of your goal and sense of ”I’m there” (i.e a three stage rocket) - see it as a journey, a never-ending experience where you’re not to find a new position every third year but instead ensure that you are on the path of alignment. One might wherefore say that your choice of career path only is an extension of yourself. Through my own experience and through the work of my clients there are some keys I have discovered to be very helpful in choosing the path of alignment and in creating a heart-centered career:
1. Stop searching for answers outside of you - most of us are very good at looking towards outer circumstances and other people for answers or help, when all it does is saying something about that other person or outer experience - but nothing about you and your path. Let yourself be inspired by others, but don’t look to others for answers. You’re already carrying the answer yourself, you just have to direct your attention inwards instead and let the ideas, insights and thoughts come to you - and they will.
2. Get clear of the things you know you know - usually we know a lot more about what we want than we think we do. Most of the people I meet in my work express that they know a lot about what they don’t want, but very little about what they actually do want. But when flipping all the ”dislikes” around, it’s actually very clear what we do want. For example, if you know that you don’t want to feel restricted and micro managed in your job - then you know you want to feel free and have room to think and choose for yourself.
3. Break down mental blockages - it’s human to carry all kinds of beliefs and truths of how things are and should be, but be aware of when those beliefs are limiting you and are hindering you from seeing your full potential and what’s truly possible for you. Take notes of when a belief pops up, notice if the belief is something that dominates other areas of your life as well and ask yourself if you hold the belief to be true, if not - let it go.
4. Practice patience and trust - in the fast-moving world we live in, patience is a shortage. We want things to have happened yesterday and we also want to be able to see the whole picture before we’re taking on a new commitment. Don’t misunderstand me for saying that things can’t manifest fast when you’re clear about your intentions, they absolutely can - but they most likely will not if you are constantly pushing and forcing action in order for things to happen. Be patient and know that your path forward will become clearer and clearer, and have trust in that you will achieve what you’re aiming for. If you can detach yourself from the outcome and instead enjoy the experience leading up to it - you’ll see the manifestation of your desire as the cherry on the cake.
When I left my employment to go and start my own business I made a promise to myself; as long as I put one foot in front of the other everyday, it doesn’t matter how long it takes for me having my business up and running. Today I’ve upgraded my promise to myself; as long as I stay true to my heart and what truly resonates with me - then I’m on the path of alignment and I will always feel like I’m home.
Finally I want to say that everything starts with a thought. All it takes is one thought and you can change the direction of your career path from this day forward. It’s absolutely possible to create a heart-centered career path and feel a sense of alignment everyday - but it has to start with you. So which path do you choose?
If you want to know more about me, my path or how to work with me visit my website and follow me on Instagram @houseofholli.