How to Train Your Mind for Success - Growth mindset vs. Fixed mindset


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Having a growth mindset means that you love instead of fear challenges, you take responsibility for your words and actions, you keep pushing despite setbacks and you are aware of that effort is the path toward mastery.

Our book recommendation if you want to learn more about this is "Mindset" by Carol S Dweck.


Try to get to know yourself and write down in which areas you have a fixed mindset vs a growth mindset.

Decide to practise at something in least ONE area that you see yourself as "bad at". It could be watching a tutorial on Youtube about public speaking, learn how to do a budget or reaching out to a stranger. The point is to realize that you can get better at anything you put your mind to. It's all about practice.


Passion Workshop


Elevate Your Mindset by Navin Thukkaram, Silicon Valley Entrepreneur & Investor with $3B in exits