How I Created My Dream Career by Merelle Yakoub

“It starts with you”

My name is Merelle Yakoub. I am a 24 year old sales and marketing professional in Stockholm, Sweden working with some of the largest brands within the advertising industry. However, looking back to where I started, it was never certain that would be who I would become. I think that’s the most important learning for me. That it’s not only important who you are, but also who you want to become, and what you want to achieve.

I grew up in Falun in Dalarna. After my student graduation I remember dreaming about moving to Stockholm and working with marketing. But where would I start? I knew no one, and I had no marketing experience what so ever.

I said to myself “what the heck”. I have always dreamed of working in marketing and after graduation I decided to move to Stockholm and somehow start working in the media world. I knew no one in Stockholm and had no idea how to proceed and had no marketing experience. What I did have, was a strong belief that it’s all in my own hands. I just knew I was going to work in marketing one way or another. So I did what many others before me had done. I started contacting people. I contacted everyone, left and right. I walked into offices, gave the receptionist my resume, rang phone calls, tried messaging professionals on social media etc.

Finally, after a while I got the chance to work in marketing as an intern. From there, I built my network, until I finally landed in my first “real” marketing job. A few years into my career, I came across this very interesting start-up called Society icon. They had created a mobile app that connects brands with their own consumers and fans, to strengthen the relationship and loyalty, and create efficient influencer marketing.

Since I was working with influencer marketing, I became very interested in Society icon, because I felt a frustration with the very time consuming process of traditional influencer marketing. I contacted Society icon and later would become one of their first employees. Our vision has always been to democratize influencer marketing. Letting fans connect and create with brands no matter who you are or where you come from or how many followers you have. Everyone should have the chance work with brands that they genuinely love.

Since joining a team of three in 2020, I work today with some of the largest brands in the advertising industry, managing client relationships and campaigns on five markets. More importantly, I became a Partner in the company just before 2022. Little did I know that my dreams would take me this far. But I just knew that it was in my own hands. Remember, it starts with you.

After working with influencers for a long time, here is my point of view: Giving nano and micro influencers at scale allows brands to build and nurture influencer relationships that lead to long-term collaborations. This investment by marketers and influencers leads to true brand advocates. After all, you took the time to build your brand into what it is today. It deserves the time and care of an influencer who is as passionate about it as you are. At Society icon, we can connect you with a wide range of influencers through our platform to give your brand or product a greater social media presence, making nano- and micro-influencers small but powerful in your overall marketing strategy.

Thank you for reading this article and I would love to hear from you if you have any thoughts or questions.

Looking forward to continuing this journey together with the Society icon!

-Everyone’s Influence counts.


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