How to Quit Your Job and Start a Business by Joella Skoogh

Our inspiring member Joella Skoogh, popular brand strategist and TikTok consultant, shares five ways how you can quit your job and finally start your dream business.

How do you quit your job and start a business?

I get this question a lot, how to take yourself from the before to the after.

The only advice I usually hear is “just do it” which isn’t concrete enough. The hardest part of “just doing it” is the mindset shift required, so here are my real recommendations:

1) Go after a goal or a dream that has nothing to do with your job. Maybe there’s a sport you always wanted to play or a place you always wanted to go to. By reaching that goal you will be charged with confidence and momentum to reach for more of your goals.

2) Control what you consume.
Follow entrepreneurs on social media, listen to business podcasts, read books, watch TED Talks…Start with where you already consume content (like on Instagram) and unfollow accounts that add no real value to your life so the algorithm can push the new accounts to your feed.

3) Talk to people! Join networks like @businessanddreams and find people that want the same things you do or already have them. Instagram is also a great place to get to know people (I’ve gotten to know SO many people via this platform!). Engage on their posts and talk in DMs about your common interests!

4) Build your personal brand. I didn’t do this before I started but I wish I had because I would’ve been way ahead of the game. I’ve worked actively on building my brand for the past 1,5 years (mainly on LinkedIn) and I would honestly call it a career accelerator. My network has grown immensely in a way I wouldn’t have been able to by just meeting people 1:1. I share tips about this on my other account @brandingjoella.

5) You will learn more from doing than you will from planning. Don’t spend weeks on a business plan. Have an idea of what you want to do, test it and if it doesn’t work - adjust accordingly.

I could probably share hundreds of more things I’ve learned but these are some.

Do you have any advice to someone wishing to quit their job and start a business?


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