How to Discover Your True Purpose by Emma Jensen

Have you ever wondered if you are on Earth for a reason? If there is something you are meant to do during your lifetime?

You don’t have to wonder any longer. There is. For each and every human-being. 

When you don’t know your purpose, it feels like moving without a clear direction in life. You might be living a nice life with a good job, success, great people around you, but somehow something is still missing. 

You have a longing for more, something bigger. And that longing won’t leave you alone. You might try to ignore it because it scares you, or it makes you feel guilty that you´re not more satisfied or happy with the life you´re already living

But don’t look away. That inner whisper is trying to tell you something. That voice is your true self, it is trying to guide you in the direction that is right for you. And if you don’t listen it will just keep getting louder. 

There’s a path for you, and it’s uniquely yours. If you follow someone else’s path, it will always feel wrong no matter how you spend your life. 

Finding your purpose is an exciting but also difficult task. You need to know yourself in order to discover your unique path. It’s about peeling off the layers of who you think you are, and instead getting to the core of who you really are. 

Consider these three essential questions:

  1. What do you love? – Your passions, the things that make you lose track of time, the things that make you feel alive and bubbly. Consider the one thing you LOVE talking about all the time. 

  2. What are your strengths?  - What do you do without any effort? Skills that come natural to you. It could be skills that made you unique or different as a kid. What makes you stand out?

  3. What does the world need from you? - What could you offer the world that’s extremely valuable? – The one issue or topic that deeply engages you. Usually, your purpose is related to something you’ve experienced that was hard for you, something you had to overcome that you now want to help or inspire other people with. 

Your purpose is a combination of these three areas. It’s always something you want to share with the world and not keep to yourself. It’s very useful to think about your purpose as a verb, something you do. 

To give you an idea, here are my answers:

  • What I love: I love personal development. I have always considered it my hobby, but I didn’t think it was something I could work with. I have always wondered about the meaning of life, been fascinated about religion, spirituality and inner work. 

  • My strengths are:

    • Guiding

    • holding space for others

    • I’m a book worm

    • it’s really easy for me to learn new things

    • I research topics and take in new information very easily. This combination makes me a suitable teacher/guide which was something I wanted to do as a kid, but had forgotten about as an adult. 

  • What the world needs from me: One of my biggest lessons learned throughout life has been understanding my real value, not believing the inner critic in my head. I used to live inside my head, being so caught up in my thoughts and feeling very disconnected from my emotions and soul. I used to chase confirmation based on my achievements, rather than who I was. I had to learn to listen to my heart and it’s longing, understanding that I’m unique. I have done the journey that I describe in this article, from feeling direction-less and unfulfilled, to loving my life and myself. This is what I now want to share with others. 

My purpose is to guide people like you to live a deeply meaningful life and help them to discover their purpose. 

When I discovered my purpose, it was a fantastic feeling. I finally understood who I am and what I want to do with my life. 

Living a purpose-driven life is the most meaningful endeavor you can pursue. You feel fulfilled from the inside out and won’t have to seek solutions outside yourself. It doesn’t mean you stop developing or growing as a person, rather the opposite. When you find your purpose, the real journey begins. 

I help you all along this exciting process. There is no need to live a whole life feeling dissatisfied, always yearning for something more when it is so possible for you to have everything your heart desires. Through mindset and mindfulness, I give you the tools to feel confident about paving your own path in life. 

If you would like my support discovering your unique purpose, I’m here for you. I have a group coaching program called “Hitta din väg”. Reach out to me and I will arrange a free consultation call to see if we’re a great match. 

I believe the world would be a much happier place if everyone lived with their purpose. There would be less conflict and violence, and more love and connection. We can all contribute to making the world a better place in our own unique ways. Let’s heal the world together!


Your Life Purpose Coach and Breath Guide

Emma Jensen

P.S. I would love to connect with you on Instagram or LinkedIn. I also have a podcast called Insidan ut that I would be so happy if you would like to listen to.

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