10 Steps to Become an Author by Cassandra Brunstedt

Did you know that every third Swede dreams of becoming a writer? But the reality is that most scripts end up in the desk drawer. I want to change that. Here’s my list of ten things you should do to become a published author.

1. Start writing! I’m sorry to say but there are no shortcuts. And it will not be easier to start on the weekend or on your holiday. Start today!

2. Write the book you want to read yourself. Everything else is a bad idea.

3. Keep your script alive. Even if it's just research or a couple of sentences a day, don’t stop writing!

4. Get inspiration continuously! I don’t think there is a single writing podcast or writing book I haven’t read. Inspiration from other successful authors will make you move forward.

5. Do not be afraid to share what you wrote. Get help from your surroundings at an early stage. Family members or friends can provide valuable input along your journey. 

6. Complete your script! This is the most important point. Most scripts aren’t finalized and have never even had the chance to succeed. Even if you get one (or a thousand new exciting ideas), stick to your script and finish it.

7. A rough script is a really good start. Nice work! But now you need hard discipline and lots of patience. Because now editing begins, which I would describe as at least half the job. Take a much-needed break. Top up with new energy and give the editing the time it takes! It’s at this phase the book goes from coal to a shiny diamond. 

8. Spend time on your cover letter. Your personal CV you send with the script should sell both you as an author and the book. Think outside the box to capture the publishers' interest. Note! Everything should fit on an A4 page!

9. Do research on the book publishers to see whom that can be the best match with your particular book. Find out email addresses of suitable contacts (publishers, editors, etc.) and reach out to them. Sending your script like everyone else is of course also an option, but why not do both? I believe in personal contact before mass emails.

10. Believe in yourself. If you don’t genuinely believe in yourself and your script, no one else will. Be proud of what you have accomplished and choose to see the strengths of your script. You have what it takes as long as you realize it yourself.


I believe in you and your ability to do exactly what you want in life, as long as you are willing to work for it. 

About the author: 

Cassandra Brunstedt was born in 1987 and has worked as an editor, editor-in-chief and CEO of magazines such as ELLE Decoration, ELLE mat & vin and Metro Mode. Today she is head of content and PR at the clothing chain Indiska and CO-founder of the digital magazine Mothr. During a long stay in India, she trained as a yoga teacher and she is also a holistic coach. Now she is up to date with her debut novel, En enkel till Indien. The book will be published in everywhere you find books on April 20 2022.


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