Combining Impact with Sustainability by Ninnie Wikström, founder of Green Apps Technologies and Ekoappen

--- Paid collaboration with Green Apps Technologies ---

My values turned into a business idea, which turned into a company that can now help anyone make more sustainable choices. When I was a single mother and a student, I chose to invest everything I had, and a little more, in creating a platform for natural health and a sustainable lifestyle. Now I want to inspire more women to follow their dreams.

My name is Ninnie Wikström and some years ago I got an idea that I couldn’t stop thinking about. What if I could create a platform that would inspire more people to choose organic? To take the leap was honestly really scary. Ultimately, it's about daring to invest, daring to do something. And I know what it's like to take the leap straight into the unknown.

Getting both life and finances together can probably be as difficult as being a single mother. In addition, having time for studies and getting enough money for themselves and their child can make anyone feel that there is not much time left for other things. But I wanted to change the world.

An app that makes a big difference

With a loan of SEK 75 000, and many years of hard work and late nights, I managed to create the first version of the platform Ekoappen. Today, Ekoappen has hundreds of new "green" investors, a new partner and a large, committed community with well-known health and sustainability profiles and experts.

Our company is currently run exclusively by women. Of course, we recruit based on skills but I couldn’t imagine a better fit than the women working for us. As I’m sure many of you know, only 1% of the capital today is invested in startups founded by women and we are as many others eager to be part of a change. One of my core values is to lift other women and find ways to support each other. Combined with sustainability, this has for me become one of the most meaningful uses of my time and energy, not only through my company but also in my personal life.

Contribute to a better world

After all these hours of hard work I’m so excited for the next step that awaits the company. With a major upcoming investment, we will develop a new platform, become a listed company and expand internationally. 

However, the most exciting thing for me is how much we hope to contribute to a better world. I want to leave something great behind me and empower more people with the opportunity to make better choices. I also want to inspire more women to dare to take the leap. If you do what you love and dare to follow your own dreams the results will often be great. Sometimes even better than you dared to hope for.

Welcome to follow us at @ekoappen and @greenappstechnologies

Wishing you a green and happy day!

/Ninnie Wikström 

Be a part of our journey and invest in the future! Right now, we are in the middle of fundraising. Welcome to join a both important and profitable journey towards a healthier and more sustainable world! Read more and invest here.

Disclaimer: All investments carry risk and all investment decisions of an individual remain the responsibility of that individual. There is no guarantee that the investment will result in profits or that they will not result in losses.


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