The Power of Self-Image: Why the way you look at you should be your highest priority by Alice Brundin

Have you ever wondered why everything can seem perfectly in place, and yet feel entirely out of sorts? Even with job changes, new friends or moving countries, the same problems persist? Why does it feel like there's a mismatch between the picture-perfect external life and the discontent within your heart?

In our society, we often place immense value on appearances. We care about our clothes, homes, cars, and academic credentials. We seek validation from our employers and respect from our friends. We strive to project an image of success, wealth, influence, intelligence, and popularity.

But what about the internal image? The one that really matters? We indulge in self-care, skincare, and mindset improvement, but often neglect to invest time in reshaping our self-perception. This is troubling, considering that our relationship with ourselves is the most pivotal of all.

Why is that?

The image others perceive of us is typically a projection of our external persona. However, this outward facade rarely reflects how we genuinely perceive ourselves. Our self-image is a collage of self-beliefs and self-perceptions, most of which were created by our parents or passed down from the generations prior. It is encoded in us by how others have treated us in the past and by the conclusions we made about our self worth based on our life experiences. 

Amid the external frenzy, we often lose sight of a crucial aspect of life: our view of ourselves. We expend tremendous time, energy, and resources in crafting an outward image, striving for certain educational milestones, desirable jobs, and impressive social circles. Yet, we invest almost nothing in ensuring that we truly like and accept ourselves. Are we walking around pleasing others at the cost of our self-contentment?

Improving your self-image essentially means refining your self-perception. Pay attention to your inner monologue during quiet moments, the feelings you experience when you think about yourself, and the mental images that appear. This internal dialogue, continuously running in the background of your mind, constructs your reality. It shapes your relationships, health, wealth, and life outlook.

Consider these two questions:

  1. How would you describe the image you project to the world? Does it truly reflect how you feel about yourself, or are there differences?

  1. What are your genuine feelings about yourself? Is your self-image positive, or does it need improvement? What is your internal dialogue like?

Answering these questions truthfully will reveal your true self-image. You'll get a clear picture of who you are to yourself. Remember, becoming conscious of these perceptions is the first step to improvement.

The good news is that there are effective ways to enhance your self-image and inner dialogue. You can gain control over your thoughts, modify unproductive patterns, and discard self-imposed limitations. Commit to becoming your own cheerleader and best friend with unwavering belief in your abilities to accomplish anything you want in life. A positive self-image is your secret weapon. While others are self-sabotaging with negative thoughts, you can be your own pillar of strength. This self-support leads to more energy, quicker goal achievement, better social relationships, higher earnings, and an overall improved quality of life.

Many people argue that mindset is key, but I believe that although mindset is important, a positive self-image is the bedrock of success. By enhancing our inner self-image to match the image we project to the world, we become more aligned and confident. This alignment reduces self-doubt and self-sabotage, and fosters a stronger belief in our abilities.

In conclusion, let's change our priorities. Let's shift our focus from the external to the internal, from the superficial to the essential: our inner self.

Our world may applaud the external – our jobs, our cars, our clothes. But remember, true fulfillment and lasting success bloom from within. These aren't tied to the material, but to the quality of our relationship with ourselves.

Invest time and energy in understanding, nurturing, and loving who you are at your core. In doing so, the external world begins to mirror this inner harmony. The beauty you foster within will naturally shine outwards, touching every aspect of your life and inspiring others.

Remember, just as a house stands strong on a sturdy foundation, your life flourishes on the bedrock of a strong self-image. So, redirect your energy inward. Embrace the journey of self-love. The path is rewarding, and the destination, transformational. The journey starts with you. Let it begin today.

Thank you so much for reading my article! I would love to connect with you if you have any thoughts around this topic. If you want to learn more about it, I would love if you want to sign up for my Free Masterclass which will be held on the 7th of August 15:00.

The recorded version will be available in my facebook group afterwards!

The Cure Academy Facebook Group

The Cure Academy website 

Wishing you all the best!

Alice Brundin

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