5 Life-Changing Books



Hope you are having an amazing day!

From reading a lot of books during the last few years I wanted to share my 5 top ones I have read so far. These books have been amazing for my personal growth.

1. The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg

One of the best ways to change your life is to master your habits. If you feel like you have the power over your habits, you have the power over your life. This books breaks down how habits works which gives you a deeper understanding how you can actually change them. The knowledge is both applicable to getting rid of bad habits in your life and create the optimal ones you want.

2. Search Inside Yourself - Chade-Meng Tan

The best book I have ever read about meditation. This book was originally a popular course at Google that later was released as a book. It really gives you a deeper knowledge about why everyone should meditate and all the benefits it can bring you. It's also very funny written and easy to read.

3. The Gratitude Diaries - Janice Kaplan

The best book I have ever read about the power of being grateful. It's a great way to understand more in depth why you should practice being grateful and how it can impact your life. It's easy to read and a feel-good book with great insights.

4. Grit - Angela Duckworth

An amazing book about setting goals in life and reaching them. Love how it explains how you should structure your goals in life and which ones you should keep long term and which ones it is okey to change as you go.

5. Stumbling On Happiness - Daniel Gilberg

One of the best books I've read about happiness. I love how many studies that is incorporated in this book but also how funny he is writing. This book really got my attention from the first page. It gives you insights about how we are always believing in our own future projections about our life and how we will feel in different situations. There are many things you might all ready know for instance that it's good to meditate and being grateful but you still might not incorporate it in your daily routine. Then it's great to read a book about the subject in order to not being able to resist implementing it in your life. When you understand all the benefits in depth you become much more motivated and it's easier to change your life with the knowledge the book gave you.

What book have changed your life?

Have a great day!


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