3 Things Most People Don’t Know About Financial Freedom by Ida Herbertsson

Growing up I was a big time spender. I mean as big of a spender as a kid can be. I spent the weekly money from my parents the minute I got it and that way of spending money stayed with me pretty much until I graduated. When I finished university and moved in with my then boyfriend we became super savers. We became so good at saving that we stopped living which after a few years led to a break up and me starting on a journey of deep, inner work. I then realized along the way that it was never really about the money. It was all about my relationship with money, which both as a big spender and a super saver, was a shitty relationship. Since then I started to follow my passions, do what I truly love to do and today I am also fortunate enough to have the opportunity to teach others about money and financial freedom.

There are many things we never talk about when it comes to money. Actually, we rarely talk about money at all. But did you know that many studies (eg. Folkhälsoinformation & CNBC) show that more than half of the population worry about money? The dream of becoming financially free is there for so many but most consider it impossible to get there. Well, I want to tell you that it is actually a very possible dream but there are many things most people don’t know when it comes to financial freedom. Here are three of them:

1. You can be a billionaire and still not be financially free

It is not the number in your bank account that decides whether you are financially free or not. There are billionaires who still worry about money, and, at least for me, financial freedom does not include worrying about money. Financial freedom is a state of mind and it is not an end goal of life, just like happiness is not an end goal that you reach and then you are happy forever and ever. Happiness is a choice and so is financial freedom. It is not about the money, it is about the relationship with money.

2. Money is never going to save you

I often hear people (and sometimes myself) say things like “If I only had X amount of money then everything would be perfect” or “If I would just get a raise then everything will fall into place” But it is not true. Money is never going to save you. But you can save yourself. Your life is your responsibility and so is your relationship with money. You need to take responsibility and change yourself first and then you will find ways to figure out the money. But it always starts with you, never with the money.

3. Money and creation is a love story, a patient one

You can make money doing anything which can be both good and bad, but that is another story. The important thing here is that you follow that spark of creation deep inside. You take the leap, try, fail and get back up again. Because that passion you feel inside, that urge of creation, could make you money. But it might take a while and honestly you don’t do it for the money, you do it because you simply love it. Again you go first and then the money will come. Talking about patience, did you know that JK Rowling was rejected with her Harry Potter pitch 12 times? Her passion made her continue and some years later she was a self-made billionaire. Another example is that on my first webinar I had three people joining, one was my sister, one was a friend and one woman I did not know. I was not my best on that webinar but that didn’t stop me from doing it again and again (even though it was really scary because what if no one would show up). Today I have clients from all over Sweden paying to work with me in the programs I run. I still do free webinars since I love sharing and I believe in giving. I am honestly still scared no one will sign up, but I love seeing people develop and I love being part of their journeys, so I keep going anyways. Now my next goal is to fill up my Mastermind with the last five spots and to sign a client outside of Sweden too.

To summarize, it is never about the money, it is all about you. So what are you going to do today to take your next step towards your financial freedom? It is all up to you, but if you want to share I would love to hear more, let’s connect on instagram @idaherbertsson


Comment from Business & Dreams: Ida will have an inspiring free webinar the 8th of September at 6 pm CET time with the theme “The Power of Money Mindset and Entrepreneurship”. We have already signed up for that one - hope you are joining too!


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