How To Work From Home

Hi ladies,

A lot of us are working from home now and we would therefore like to share our best advice on how to make the best out of it.

  1. Continue with your morning routines.

    It is tempting to just start working in your pyjamas from bed and while this might work for a while it is easy to fall out of work mode later on during the day. Instead, wake up your regular time, have the same breakfast and do whatever you usually do such as meditation and journaling. It is also a good idea to dress in your normal business outfits. That will also make it easier if you have video calls.

  2. Arrange a work space at home.

    Just as you have a desk at your office it is good to have a designated area for work in your home. It could be a certain spot in your kitchen also if you don't have a desk at home.

  3. Schedule regular breaks.

    Decide to go for a walk perhaps every or every second hour. Sitting for too long is detrimental to our health. There is a famous method called the Pomodoro method. With that method you work for 25 minutes followed by a 5 minutes break. You then repeat that for a couple of times until its time for a longer break. The good thing with that method is that you focus better and you remember to take breaks.

  4. Prepare some snacks.

    Some favorites of ours are baby carrots, cherry tomatoes and raw balls. To do raw balls you just mix dates with almonds. Add some coconut oil if you want to and also some flavour such as cinnamon or cocoa. You can also add oatmeal and grated carrots.

  5. Decide when to log out.

    Draw a clear line between work time and leisure time. You could have the same working times as when you work in your normal office. In that way you are available at the same time as your colleagues.

  6. Have something planned for the evening.

    It is easier to be productive during the day if you know you have to stop working at a certain time. Social activities are getting harder during these times but some examples could be going for a walk or digitally watching a movie with your friends (turn on Facetime and watch it simultaneously on your computers).


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