How to Show Up On Social Media With Confidence by Jessica Audsley


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About the expert

Jessica is a social media strategist, Google Digital Expert, course creator, speaker and podcast host. Jessica is passionate about female entrepreneurship and in her company she helps clients with both organic and paid social media content.


In the webinar Jessica shares how you can show up on social media with confidence. The session is divided into two parts. The first one is about developing confidence, something that many of us struggle with but also something that all of us can cultivate. The second part is about how to actually show up regularly on social media, with the confidence that Jessica talks about.


Imagine that you now have an audience of millions of people who love to hear your thoughts about the topics you’re passionate about. Imagine also that you have all the confidence in the world and it’s impossible for you to fail at anything you do. What you share with the world always gets the exact reaction that you want.

In a scenario like this, how would you show up on social media? What would you share and how often would you post?

Compare your answer to how you are currently acting on social media.

What are the biggest differences? Is it about how often you post or what you decide to post about? Are there any ways for you to get closer to the ideal scenario on what and when you post on social media?


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