Develop Resilience and Overcome Challenges by Psychological Coach Julia Karhu


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About the expert

Julia Karhu is a psychological coach and helps her clients, both organizations and individuals, with everything from developing leadership skills to how to create well-being at their workplace. She also runs the podcast Välmåendepodden with Kim Karhu.


In the webinar Julia talks about the concept of resilience. Resilience is the ability to cope with a crisis and to return to pre-crisis status quickly. This quality has shown to be important in various situations, both work-related and in our personal life. Julia shares that resilience can be learned and developed by anyone and involves everything from behaviors, thoughts to actions.


Resilience is important both for daily life events and in bigger events that may not occur that often. Recall an event lately where you didn’t have as much resilience as you would have wished for.

Ask yourself “If I had optimal resilience, how would I have handled that event?”.

If you struggle with coming up an answer, imagine someone you know who you admire for their resilience. How do you believe they would have reacted in the situation? Are there any ways you can approach their way of reacting?


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